Scottys Page

Hello! It's good to see you. While I have no trouble writing about others, Writing about myself I find very difficult. Where Do I start… Most of my childhood was spent in Florida. While attending High School in South Miami, I set my sights on becoming a Multi-Media/Communications Specialist. After High School, while attending Central Florida Community College in Ocala Florida, I Joined the Navy looking for College funding, experience, and to see a little bit of the world. Although I joined mainly for the education, I soon became an avid participant of the Navy's TAPS program. (Travel, Adventure, Parties and Sex.) (So much for finishing college.) My Multi-Media quest suffered another setback, when I was tasked by the Navy as an Ordnance-man. (Bomb and Missile Technician) Although Ordnance wasn't a field I would have chosen, I found I liked working with my hands to exacting tolerances and stayed in the field. While in the Navy, I found a new interest in computers, and studied an X-base programming in my spare time. X-base is a generic term for most of the data base languages like D-base, Fox base, Clipper, etc.. Coding became a passion, and although I went to quite a few schools for technical skills, I never finished my degree. I retired from the Navy in Virginia, at age 38, and my old interest in communications resurfaced. I had no more time for coding. I was hired by a communications contractor as an entry level cable T.V. Installer, and soon I branched into Wireless Cable, Microwave, and Satellite T.V. Although I was making a good living, I was working six days a week, and had no personal life. When the contract we were under got re-negotiated with a cut in pay, I went looking elsewhere for employment. I applied to, and was accepted by Bell Atlantic. While with them, I picked up certifications in fiber optics, high speed data, and communications systems. I also earned my certification as a Small Business Systems instructor for bell. Bell Atlantic merged with GTE two years later, and became Verizon, where I worked for three more years as a Multi Media Services Technician. After the September eleventh attack on the world trade center, Verizon was forced into a massive layoff due to the unstable economy. They laid off by seniority, and at only three years of seniority, I found myself Unemployed. I did a few jobs after that wiring "transparent" DSL systems (This was before Network interface DSL Splitters.), and installing computer network interface cards (Now they are standard with all new computers.). That wasn't steady, so I went to work as a Multi-Media Installer/Service Technician subcontractor. I had weekends off, and unlimited vacation With no pay. The contractors were pretty liberal about my hours; All I had to do is show up at a project they had lined up, and do the work. When the flagging economy caused a work slowdown, and I applied for a job with Sprint, back home in Florida, as a Service Technician. This brought my wife and I back home, and close to our family's. Sprint spun off their hard line holdings, and formed a new company called Embarq. The new company merged with a company called Century Telecommunications to become Centurylink where I still work today. I like the work I do, and enjoy going to work each day. Hopefully this will be the last career change I make until I retire.

Once I got a personal life back, I started looking at coding again. I was not manipulating large databases any more, and turned instead to HTML and a little Java Script. It's not really a programming language, but it is something I can use and enjoy. Although coding is not the passion it was before, and I am still far from expert, I still like to see my code work on the screen. I spend most of my leisure time with my wife Sue. My hobbies right now are Canoeing, Hiking, Roller Skating, Computers, Coding, and a little gardening. (A strange mix) I hope you enjoy the site. Some of the scenic photos in the photo albums used to make great wall paper, but I have down sized them and changed to internet quality in order to get the pages to load faster. You will see what I mean when (If) you visit the photo albums. I have posted links to a few sites that I enjoy below. If you visit outside this site, you can use your back arrow or history list to return. Feedback is welcome. Please use the E-mail button on the home page to contact us. Enjoy… Scott Malkin

Scottys Links
Most of my favorite places are on the "Link", and "Credit" pages. Please use the links below to Browse. There are a lot of fun and informative places to visit. Use the back arrow or history list to return, if you click on an outside link. Click and have fun... Scotty

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