Sues Page

H ello! Thanks for visiting with me.
It's so great that you dropped by... Kick your shoes off and stay a while. Let me start by saying I'm one of those "Grits". (Girls Raised In The South.) A true "Grits", I was born and raised in Florida. I lived for a while in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where my husband Scott retired; But I'm back now, and boy am I glad! Scott started a second career in Florida working for Sprint, (Yeah the phone company.) and I didn't complain when we "had" to move back to Florida. Woopeee! We both now get to see our famlies more than once a year. My main hobbies right now are Canoeing, Hiking, Roller Skating, and being just plain ornery whenever I feel like it. Although we don't live close to the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah Valley anymore, I still like to play there whenever I Can. I get terrific pictures and have a great time. I like walking along the beach at sunset, but I'm not much for the surf. Even though we only live a couple of hours from Daytona Beach We don't get there to often. For those of you who like Southern Cooking, I have a few tasty things to share with you. Be sure to visit my recipe link at the bottom of this page. I may not be Martha Stewart, But nobody goes away from my table hungry, and I haven't heard any complaints. (Anyway... Not from anybody who wants to live.) There arn't many recipes there right now, but I plan to put more up in the near future. Enjoy...... (Sue)

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